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Translations, including notarized translations

Services of professional translators.

About translation office "A & S"

The company Firma "A & S" was established in 1992. among the first private translation structures in the Republic of Latvia. 

The company is managed by Tatjana Lāce, Member of the Board.

Since then, our company has established a stable customer base including embassies, law offices and various businesses and companies.

Our services are supported by highly qualified translators specializing in different combinations of languages.

We provide business, legal, technical and other translations including notarization. We provide interpreter services as well as written translations.

translation office "A&S"

Translation services in Riga and Latvia

Tulkošanas pakalpojumi Rīgā

Translation services from/to the following languages

Translations from: Russian, English, German, Estonian, Lithuanian, Polish, Czech, Ukrainian, Belarusian, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Swedish, Danish, Finnish, Dutch, Flemish.

Translations to: Russian, English, German, Estonian, Lithuanian, Polish, Czech, Ukrainian, Belarusian, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Swedish, Danish, Finnish, Dutch, Flemish.  

Dokumentu tulkošana

Most common documents presented for translation include:

  • certification,

  • certificates of birth,

  • certificates of marriage,

  • certificates of death,

  • education documents,

  • judicial documents,

  • medicinal documents,

  • pension records,

  • employment records.

Tehniskais tulkojums Rīgā, Latvijā

Translation of technical texts

We translate technical texts regardless of their complicacy.

Tulkošanas pakalpojums Latvijas teritorijā

Translation services on the territory of Latvia

Our translation office is situated in Riga, and translation requests are processed from all around Latvia.

Questions and Answers

What does a notarized translation mean?

A notarized translation (certified translation) means translation of a public document certified by signature and seal of a Notary Public and a Certified Translator. 

There are two forms of notarized

Notarized translation bound to original document

This form of notarized translation is composed of three parts:

1. The original document;
2. Translation of the document;
3. Writ of Certification attached to the translation by Notary Public.

Once translation of a document is completed, the three above-listed parts of document are bound with a string, numbered and sealed to form a single document

Notarized translation bound to transcript (copy) of document

This form of notarized translation forms from the following:


1. Transcript (copy) of the original document;
2. Writ of Certification attached to the transcript;
3. Translation of the document;
4. Writ of Certification attached to the translation by Notary Public.

The above-listed parts are bound with a string, numbered and sealed to form a single document.

On what occasions a translation needs to be notarized?

The need for translation certified by Notary Public is prescribed by a number of legislative acts of Latvia (such as Commercial Law, Land Register Law, and other legal norms. 

Please find listed below the most typical examples of occasions where a translation needs to be notarized.

Notarization is required in case of public documents issued in a foreign country for presentation to the Commercial Register, Register of Arbitration Courts and other competent authorities in Latvia.

Notarization is required in case of public documents issued in Latvia and intended for legalization and/or presentation to authorities in foreign countries.

Notarized translation means, that the certifying notary has verified the legitimacy of issuing and accuracy of the document and authenticated the signature of the signatory official, and that translation corresponds with the original document.

Procedure for ordering a notarized translation?

The following procedure applies to the ordering of a notarized translation:

1. A customer contacts the translation office;

2. The original document is presented to the translation office;

3. A certified translator performs translation of the document, and a Notary Public authenticates the translation;

4. The notarized translation is released to the customer against payment for the service;

5. No notarization is available unless the original document is presented to the Notary Public.

For further details contact us at: +371 67 227 059

Legalization of translations (Apostille)

Legalization of a translated document means authentication of signature and seal on.

Legalization is available in Latvia from a consular officer to ensure that a document issued in certain country has legal effect in another country.

Authentication of documents (legalization) in Latvia is a responsibility of Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs situated in Riga.

On what occasions a document needs legalization? 

1. Diplomatic or consular mission of the Republic of Latvia in the respective country is responsible for legalization of documents issued in Latvia for presentation in a foreign country. 

Regardless of purpose of your visit (employment, studies, registration of marriage, etc.), be sure to find out before any trip abroad what documents may be required. 

The procedure applicable in the destination country to legalization of public documents issued in Latvia also needs to be clarified: whether the authority responsible for legalization is Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or some other institution.

2. Documents issued in foreign countries.

IPublic documents issued in a foreign country may be used in Latvia only after their legalization by Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or consular mission in the country in question.

It is recommended to contact diplomatic mission of the country in question in advance to find out the required form of legalization: 

  • The original document,

  • The original document/copy of the document certified by Notary Public,

  • or Original document/copy of the document certified by Notary Public and translation.

On what occasions legalization of a document is not available?

Legalization of document is not available unless Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs can access to the signature specimen of the signatory official and specimen of seal or stamp. 

Legalization of documents is not available unless the statutory requirements regarding executing of documents are met (failure to have the document, a copy or translation thereof bound by a string and sealed; laminated document, and other occasions.

For further information please contact:: +371 67 227 059

Why to choose our translation service?

Tulkošana Rīgā

The company employs highly qualified translators of different languages.

Juridisku tekstu tulkošana Rīgā
Mutiskais un rakstiskais tulkojums Rīgā
Notariāli apstiprināti tulkojumi Rīgas centrā

We translate business, legal, technical and other texts.

We do both oral and written translations.

Notarized translations in the center of Riga.

"A & S – Translation Office in Riga


Phone 1:+371 67 227 059 
Phone 2:+371 67 228 410
Office:+371 26 814 154



Legal name: 
"A & S", SIA, Translation Office
Legal address: 
10-23 Merkela Street, Riga, LV-1050
Registration number:  

Opening hours

Monday - Thursday: 10.00 - 18.00
Friday: 10.00 - 17.00
Saturday/Sunday: free days

Contact Us

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Address: 10-23 Merkela Street, Riga, LV-1050

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